- A young adult is seen living her day to day life. Her life is pretty average, she gets up early, goes to work, comes home, eats, sleep and repeat. She lives alone and doesn't see her friends very often.
- She starts to hear voices, an occasional hushed whisper. She ignores it putting it to her imagination.
- She begins to hear the voices loudly and starts seeing things, people, creatures ect.
- These things begin to attack her and convince her to do evil things.
- Eventually you find out she is schizophrenic.
Synopsis: Set in the present, An average girl who lived in a cycle of wake up, work, come home, eat and sleep, finds herself hearing odd whispers, It wouldn't happen very often, not enough for her to question her sanity but enough for her to notice. The voices begin to get louder and more frequent and were sometimes accompanied by visuals. These things begin to attack her and taunt her. Eventually she goes to see someone about it and is diagnosed with severe schizophrenia and is admitted into a mental hospital against her will.